Toinen Kierros Second Hand Shop
Toinen Kierros offers a new and easy way to sell the items you no longer need. All you need to do is book a booth, attach the Toinen Kierros – price tags, set up your items and we will sell them for you. When your lease is over, collect your unsold items and receive payment for all your sales – directly into your bank account.
In Toinen Kierros there are almost 200 sales booths and the selection changes from day to day. You can always find something exciting, from everyday objects and clothes to unique treasures!
In just four easy steps:
1. Book a booth online or in our shop
2. Price your items and attatch the Toinen Kierros – price tags and set up your booth
3. Clean, organize, or restock your booth if needed
4. Collect your unsold items and receive payment for all your sales
Key points of the terms and conditions
The terms and conditions are in Finnish (at the moment) these are only some of the key points of the terms and conditions.
The seller is always bound to the latest version of the terms and conditions.
– Sales comission is 5%
– One selling week is 6 days
– You can bring the items beforehand, during the last hour of the preceding day of your lease
– If you sell new items, please be in contact with us first
– You can rent alarms from the counter
– Do not sell anything that is broken
– The sales booth must be empty ONE HOUR BEFORE closing time on the last day of the lease. Otherwise additional 20€ is charged.
– Items without price tags are located next to the counter. We store these products for 7 days after which they become the posession of Toinen Kierros.
– All the valid price tags are printed in the shop.
– The price tags should not be copied.
– If you want to change the price, do not fix the price with a pen – change the whole tag instead
– We do not sell products without the price tags
– You can also sell items in the showcase
– One shelf for one week (6 days) is 10€
– To sell separate items 2,50€ / a
Checkout our prices (in Finnish)
Your guide for better sales
– Consider your pricing. What price would you be willing to pay for your items?
– Make sure your items are arranged nicely, and the booth is not too packed. That way you will attract more buyers.
– Restock your booth during the sales period.
– Mark the sizes of your clothes, so they are easy to browse. You can use a piece of paper or a post-it for this.
– You can reduce your prices a few days before your lease period ends, to ensure more items sell.
and above all, keep your booth tidy!